Link Governor Roles
Local Governors have Link Governor Roles. Link Governors visit the Academy and discuss the progress of the Academy in their particular linked area with the relevant senior staff member. Strengths and areas for development are also discussed at the visit. Link Governor visits are a feature of the Local Governance Committee meetings.
Sir Thomas Wharton Academy Link Governor Roles are:
Name | Link Role |
Andrew Battle | Key Stage 4 Outcomes / Post 16 /Health and Safety |
Jayne Chetwynd | Safeguarding / Pupil Premium |
Vacancy | Behaviour and Exclusions / Attendance |
Gail Stonier | Quality of Education |
Jessica Leech | Character Education and Rewards |
Michael Swann | Reading |
Lisa Lunn | SEND |
Vacancy | Staff well-being |
Sian Guttridge | Life skills |
Rebecca Barber | Career advice |
Vacancy | PCAB |
Vacancy | Finance |