Equality Objectives
The three aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty are to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
Equality objective 1: To secure a core and extended curriculum Y7-13 which is delivered by informed professionals in a learning environment that promotes diversity; recognising individuals and groups who share protected characteristics. An awareness, understanding and acceptance of those young people and adults of differing ethnicity, cultural and religious observance, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity will promote community cohesion and prepare young people to be responsible citizens within and beyond the Academy.
Why we have chosen this objective:
The village of Edington is located six miles east of the more diverse community of Doncaster town centre. Residents within the local community are predominantly White British with a very small yet not insignificant number from minority ethnic backgrounds. The racial, cultural and ethnic diversity presented must be recognised and celebrated to facilitate community cohesion both locally nationally and internationally. Similarly, to develop a more inclusive community young people must foster good relations with those who share other protected characteristics.
A lack of stakeholder awareness and understanding of those who behold protected characteristics can, in turn result in ill-informed viewpoints and indirect and direct intolerance and prejudice amongst children, young people and adults. The learning experience within the Academy which promotes inclusion and diversity is a central tenet to our vision and values.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Ensure that the core and extended curriculum actively promotes diversity and inclusivity through assemblies, tutor programme, Lifeskills curriculum which address Personal, Social, Health, Careers Education (PSHCE), RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC)education and the British Values agenda. Through regular staff training and modelling of behaviours we will ensure the day to day child to child, adult to adult and adult to child interaction promotes awareness, explores viewpoints and understanding of individuals.
The Academy and Maltby Learning Trust prides itself on the work undertaken to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. Trained counsellors, provide support for families and children and the wellbeing and safeguarding team run staff and student training and awareness raising sessions to promote diversity and inclusivity.
Progress we are making towards achieving this objective:
The broad and balanced curriculum inclusive of Life Skills, provides plentiful opportunity to raise awareness and participation in diverse community events. Plans are in place as part of the Curriculum 2020 review to launch the new Religious Education requirements and across Year 7-11. The Votes for Schools Initiative, Character Education programme and tutor/assembly themes, require students to participate in debate, reflect on their own attitudes and beliefs and to engage in meaningful informative projects that promote community cohesion. The Academy Key Drivers serve to remind and reinforce our commitment to diversity, difference and ambition of all: The Highest Standards, Everyone is Valued, Never Give Up, Cultivate Your Character, No Excuses and Invest to Achieve.
The Academy is delighted to host the Trailblazer ‘With Me In Mind’ project. Our young people have access to Mental Health Support Workers who are based in the Academy to help children and young people with their mental health. The team help enhance support already in place from school counsellors, nurses, educational psychologists and the voluntary sector to treat those with mild to moderate mental health issues in school. The team help children and young people with more severe needs to access the right support and provide a link to specialist NHS services.
Equality objective 2: To ensure the quality of education through the curriculum delivers the best outcomes so that young people, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged cohorts/groups achieve at least in line with their non-disadvantaged peers.
Why we have chosen this objective:
At Sir Thomas Wharton we are committed to ensuring that irrespective of starting points, all young people make excellent progress and that no student should be left behind. Large areas of our community face high levels of disadvantage yet this is seen as a challenge, not an excuse. Despite targeted resourcing and a drive to ensure highly effective teaching in every classroom, every day there remains a variance between the attainment and progress of different vulnerable cohorts/groups. In the Academy, this relates specifically to those in receipt of free school meals (and Pupil Premium), boys and the highest prior attainers on entry at Key Stage 2 and 4. The most vulnerable of these groups tend to attend less than that expected at national average or Academy threshold.
A critical addition to teaching and learning is the ‘aspiration raising’, ensuring that staff, students and parents/carers, aspire and invest to achieve at the highest level.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Support young people through quality first teaching and targeted intervention. ‘Live Files’ containing contextualised attainment, progress and attendance data are used to focus the teaching and promote learning. Teaching and non-teaching staff are given access to bespoke training sessions around recognising and addressing barriers to learning and learning needs. Bespoke support is provided by the SEND department to address learning needs and the REACH and Alternative Provision programme is underpinned by targeted support to develop the SEMH needs of young people.
The Employer experience and high profile CEAIG programme serves to raise aspirations and expectations of all young people from Y7 to Y13 and ever extending links with Trust and broader locality primaries serves to provide a wealth of information and curriculum connectivity to ensure students continue to progress as they transition through school.
Progress we are making towards achieving this objective:
It is expected that ‘Sir Thomas Wharton students are as good as if not better than anyone, anywhere’. Students have this reinforced through the modelling from staff and key messages through our provision. The Academy is achieving Gatsby Benchmark levels in excess of the local and national averages and for the last two years the number of young people considered NEET (Not in Education, Employment and Training) is 0%; all going on to secure a positive and sustained progression route.
Equality objective 3: To ensure all young people engage effectively and achieve their potential by attending school all day, on time, every day. Attendance to exceed national average for all pupils.
The attendance of targeted groups exceeds the attendance of all pupils where overall attendance exceeds national average.
Why we have chosen this objective:
Despite the Academy’s pursuit to ensure all young people attend school, the overall attendance and PA figure remains below national expectations. The relatively high number of students considered persistently absent, the number of term time holidays and unauthorised absences poses a risk to student achievement and progression routes.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Ensure that intensive support is placed around families and both incentives and consequences are used in a targeted manner to deliver increased attendance. All targeted groups will be monitored through individual and group tracking with support provided by the strength within the learning trust. A cohesive multi-agency approach is to be put in place to ensure a cohesive and consistent message shared with the community that attendance to school has to be a critical priority for all families. Tougher sanctions are to be put in place to deter unauthorised absence therefore, all community groups will work together to support and deter sporadic none attendance across the community.
Progress we are making towards achieving this objective:
As capacity within the Academy develops, so does the profile of Attendance to school. In September, the appointment of Student Achievement Leaders, Student Welfare Managers, the introduction of the Vulnerable Learners Network and a more graduated response to intervention has resulted in a daily increase in attendance and focus on attendance to school.